English follows after Japanese
両腕に刺青を入れた状態で10年程度、ずっと背中に入れたかったが踏ん切りがつかないまま今に 至っていた。
家で時々昔のタトゥーバースト読んだり、ネットで彫師のページ見たり、画像検索したり、2ch みたりw
勿論彫よしのホームページも見た。刺青を入れ始めた1x年前から世界のトップを走り続けている 巨匠中の巨匠、この方が存在している以上ずっと我慢していた背中に一生物を他の人に入れても らう気にならない。
ただ、ただし、調べれば調べるほど彫よしは体調不良により既存客を仕上げるのみで新規は受け 付けていないという情報が見つかるだけだった。Horiyoshi iii に入れてもらった外国人のblog を見ても同じように書いていた。
いつもの自分なら諦めているのだが、職場がスタジオと同じ沿線上にあることから、ダメもとで 一回電話を掛けてみるかという気になった。
ネットで見る限り、同じような感じで何か月後に掛け直すよう言われたとか書かれたりしていた ので、まだ全然ましじゃないかと勝手に思ってた。しかしもちろんその間の数日間はなんとも言 えない感じであった。駄目とも言われていないがOKともいわれていない。
ただ、今の状況を伝えて金曜日まで持ち越されたのだから6、7割はいけんじゃね?と期待してい た。
もう一回100m位飛んだだろう。しかもその日に彫るという事まで話が出た。そこからは来週の土 曜まで今までに何回もみたバーストやタトゥーバーストの彫よしが載っている号をまた何度も見 直し、ネットで彫よしの画像検索を繰り返していた。
Since I've got my tattoos on my both arm, I always wated to get one on my back, but had never chance to do so till now.
I sometimes read tatto mags, checking artists website, searching for tatto images, checking forum sites and so on.
Of course I checked Horiyoshi's website too. No one else to get my tattoo from, true master who has been running at top way before I got my first tatto over 10 years ago.
But when I looked up about his recent work, most of the information I got was that he does not accept new clients anymore, due to his health condition.
I am not aggressibe type of guy, so usually I would give up in this kind of situation. However, his studio was located on same train line for my job(I felt destiny;) ), so I gave it a shot to call him.
Phone # I found was for his museum so I called, then his wife picked up,
"May I get tattoo from Horiyoshi?"
"Do you already have one?"
Umm, I should have been blank skin? But what can I do...
"Yes, I got both arm and chest. I would like to get Munewari, will that be difficult?"
(Ummm, maybe I cannot get one..)
"I think that's fine!"
What? Whaaat?
"I think he is in 2nd studio, so please call xxxx-xxxxx."
I expressed my gratitude and finished call. I felt like I was jumping up 100 ft like cartoon.
Well, it's not over yet, I made call to Horiyoshi, my heart is still beating.
My heart beats harder as dial tone continues.
Ah, voice I heard on Youtube. :)
"I already have tatoo on arms but may I get Munewari from you?"
"I'm busy now so can you call me back on Fri.?"
I'v seen the same situation on the internet saying they were told to call hime back in few months, so I thought my case is much better. But until Fri, I was still struggling since he hadn't said he can do or not yet.
But, I already told him about my body and didn't say no at the time so I was hoping it will be ok like 80%.
Then I called him back on Fri. lunch time.
"I called before and being said to call back today."
"Ah yes, new client."
"When can you come?"
Wow, quick development!
"The earliest Sat. please"
"Tomorrow is full, so what about week after?"
"From 9:00, so please come by 8:30"
"Got it."
"Do you want to get tattoo on the day?"
"(woo hoo!) Yes!"
"Don't forget to bring bath towel then."
"OK, thanks so much."
Bath towel? OK..
Again, I jumped like 30ft. More over, I can get tattoo on the day. Until next Sat. I checked Horiyoshi's work on the internet, mags over and over.
I don't say don't trust the internet at all, but we need to judge the information there.
I realized a lot this time, and that was another big achievement.
Again, I would had usually given up when I found no mroe new client info on the internet(hey, I'm shy guy). But in fact I did call him, maybe that means it was destiny to get tattoo from him.
Sep 01, 2012