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第一回/1st session

English follows after Japanese

記念すべき第一回目。 朝8:30に到着。あの本やネットでしか見たことが無い「彫よし」が目の前に。 その場で地獄を入れたい旨を伝える。


と意外、といった感じで聞き直される。 10年以上入れたいと考え続けた柄なので迷いはもちろん無しで



地獄の書物を探される。なかなか思い浮かべていらっしゃる絵が見つからないのか、総領もお手伝いを申し 出ていた。

15-20分程度で下絵が完成。何度かコピーし直しサイズを決定しトレース。 久しぶりに聞くマシーンの音。 ちょっとビビるがワクワクの方が勝っている、あの彫よしに彫ってもらえるんだ! 肩甲骨辺りやし余裕でしょ。


やはり若い頃の「気合いでカバー」が効かないのか?それとも背中が痛いのか? しかも髪の毛と髭の長い筋が延々続き一発目からマジで地獄。。。










It's memorial first time. Arrived at 8:30. "Horiyoshi III", only seen on magazine or the internet is just in front of me! He asked me what I want to get so I told "Hell".

"Do you want to get hell?"

It sounds bit surprising. But it was in my mind for over 10 years so I said,

"Yes, please."

"OK, I will draw so please take a break."

He was looking for hell related books, maybe it was hard to find what he wants, so his son Soryo was helping him.

But drawing was done in 15-20 min, and was traced to my back. Long time no hear the machine sound. Bit scared but moreover can't wait. I'm getting tattoo from Horiyoshi! Back shouldn't hurt that much.

But it was so painful.

Is this because I got old? or Is back paiful part? Hair and beared part of Enma is long line so that hurted a lot.

I didn't know how long it took(maybe about 30min), but master wiped my back and finished.

"Do you want me to take a picture?"

I didn't think he would do that but of course I said yes. In the picture, there was that sick looking face I'd only seen in the magazines. Fuck yeah!

"I always do first time for 30K, but no time."

He wants clients to see some kind of progress on first time, so he tattoos 1.5 times longer than usual for the first time.(At the time he normally charges 20K, as of 2015/01 it is 25K)

I left the studio and pain gets worse as I step to the station.

It was so itchy for few days too...

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  • Date
    Sep 08, 2012